更新:2020-10-28 11:06 编号:9955529 发布IP: 浏览:144次- 发布企业
- 河北冀州市联兴制辊有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第10年主体名称:河北冀州市联兴制辊有限公司
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 直径
- ≤2000mm
- 长度
- ≤6000mm
- 产地
- 河北
- 关键词
- 折页机胶辊
- 所在地
- 河北省衡水市冀州区高新技术产业开发区(南区)规划七路中段北侧
- 联系电话
- 0318-8780313
- 手机
- 13132439856
- 经理
- 王先生 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
With the development of market requirements, the linear speed offolding machine is higher and higher, generally between 180m and220m, and the number of folding times also reaches 18-20 fold.Therefore, the requirements for cots are also higher and higher,which requires the balance of wear resistance, pressure resistanceand high-speed rotation. According to the market demand, ourcompany is committed to the deep ploughing and meticulouscultivation of cots. Using high-quality raw materials, advancedequipment and reasonable formula, the production of folding machinecots meets the requirements of customers and exceeds theexpectation.
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- 优质实验辊介绍100.00元/支
品牌:联兴 - 聚氨酯胶辊性能及应用100.00元/支
品牌:联兴 - 优质硅胶辊介绍100.00元/支
品牌:联兴 - 联兴氟橡胶辊100.00元/支
品牌:联兴 - 污水处理胶辊100.00元/支
直径:≤2000mm - 耐高温弧形辊技术参数100.00元/支
品牌:联兴 - 烟草机械胶辊介绍及要求品牌:联兴
- 聚氨酯胶辊的优点100.00元/支
品牌:联兴 - 金属弧形辊的应用环境优势直径:≤2000mm
- 带式压滤机胶辊介绍品牌:联兴