更新:2020-10-14 10:34 编号:9717495 发布IP: 浏览:135次- 发布企业
- 河北冀州市联兴制辊有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第10年主体名称:河北冀州市联兴制辊有限公司
- 报价
- 人民币¥100.00元每支
- 品牌
- 联兴
- 长度
- ≤6000mm
- 产地
- 河北
- 关键词
- 聚氨酯胶辊
- 所在地
- 河北省衡水市冀州区高新技术产业开发区(南区)规划七路中段北侧
- 联系电话
- 0318-8780313
- 手机
- 13132439856
- 经理
- 王先生 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Hebei Lianxing polyurethane roller is arubber roller made of polyurethane material coated with iron core.It is divided into polyester, polyether and polycaprolactone typesaccording to the raw materials. The overall performance is betweenrubber and plastics, and the production process is mainly casttype. Lianxing polyurethane cots have excellent physicalproperties, good aging resistance, tear resistance, resilience andabrasion resistance. The compression and wear resistance are 3-5times of that of natural rubber, and the service life is about 3times of that of ordinary rubber cots under the same workingenvironment. The hardness range is hsa15-hsd80. Polyurethane cotsare widely used in many industries, such as grain processingindustry, printing industry, steel industry, coating industry,plastic industry, mining industry and so on.
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- 优质硅胶辊介绍100.00元/支
品牌:联兴 - 联兴氟橡胶辊100.00元/支
品牌:联兴 - 污水处理胶辊100.00元/支
直径:≤2000mm - 联兴防粘辊材质对比介绍100.00元/支
材料:橡胶 - 砂光机胶辊介绍和设计原理100.00元/支
直径:≤2000mm - 优质实验辊介绍100.00元/支
品牌:联兴 - 折页机胶辊的使用环境与要求直径:≤2000mm
- 耐高温弧形辊技术参数100.00元/支
品牌:联兴 - 烟草机械胶辊介绍及要求品牌:联兴
- 聚氨酯胶辊的优点100.00元/支