更新:2020-07-21 13:17 编号:7983995 发布IP: 浏览:126次- 发布企业
- 河北冀州市联兴制辊有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第10年主体名称:河北冀州市联兴制辊有限公司
- 报价
- 人民币¥100.00元每支
- 直径
- ≤2000mm
- 长度
- ≤6000mm
- 材质
- 无缝钢管
- 关键词
- 冷却辊
- 所在地
- 河北省衡水市冀州区高新技术产业开发区(南区)规划七路中段北侧
- 联系电话
- 0318-8780313
- 手机
- 13132439856
- 经理
- 王先生 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Lianxing cooling roller is mainly used infilm, steel, plastic rubber, chemical industry, textile printingand dyeing and other industries. The application field of coolingroller is relatively wide. The working principle of cooling rolleris the circulation of cooling water in the roller body, so it isalso called water-cooling roller. Its function is to cool theproduction products, reduce the loss of products and increase thequality of products. Generally, Lianxing cooling roller isdifferent Material manufacturing, including 45 × carbon steel,alloy steel, etc., shall be selected according to the workingenvironment and temperature requirements. The internal structure isgenerally designed with single-layer and multi-layer waterways.According to the customer's requirements and the actual applicationenvironment, the roller body has low heat deformation rate and highheat exchange rate, so that the product can be cooled rapidly inthe use process, the cooling effect is even and sustainable, theproduction speed of the production line can be accelerated, and thecooling effect can be improved High production efficiency, reduceproduct defect rate and increase enterprise benefit.
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- 联兴网纹辊专业介绍100.00元/支
直径:≤2000mm - 联兴纸箱机械胶辊介绍100.00元/支
直径:≤2000mm - 什么是卷圆机胶辊100.00元/支
直径:≤2000mm - 什么是弧形辊100.00元/支
直径:≤2000mm - 三元乙丙胶辊性能及耐溶剂对比100.00元/支
直径:≤2000mm - 联兴口罩机胶辊的性能与应用100.00元/支
直径:≤2000mm - 熔喷布设备胶辊介绍和应用100.00元/支
直径:≤2000mm - 优质贴合机胶辊应用介绍100.00元/支
直径:≤2000mm - 超长6米导辊介绍100.00元/支
直径:≤2000mm - 喷绘机胶辊市场应用前景100.00元/支